Grand Prix Kyiv
Grand Prix Kyiv is a nonprofit international youth ballet competition-festival founded by People’s Artist of Ukraine, former artistic director of Kyiv State Ballet College – Nobuhiro Terada.
Supported by Toshihiko Takahashi – the chief patron of the competition.
Member of Federation of Ballet Competitions under UNESCO.
In the beginning of our cooperation we develop brand design. Using branding aesthetic we have crated graphic designs for concert programs, stands, posters and big main posters on building of National Opera of Ukraine.
After we was asked to develop and support website for competition. One of the main task was to make registration process easier for participants and setup mail server for bulk mailing.
Since 2019 #KultMedia become info partner of Grand Prix Kyiv. Next 3 years we have broadcasted international youth ballet competition-festival online. Here is the list of our streams:
Firstly in 2019 final Gala concert with all winners and guests and 'Masquerade Ball' production by Volodymyr Malakhov.
Secondly in 2020 final Gala concert with ballet "Grand Pas - Paquita"
In 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic all rounds of the competition went online, so we made broadcasting of first and second tour of competition as well as final Gala Concert.
It is honour to help to do everything possible to ensure that the youth of the ballet world has possibilities for development and a worthy future.