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Web Development

Full-stack web development for International cultural project that provide ballet art to the world based in Istanbul, Turkey.

Target audience: ballet artists and students, classical art lovers.

Technical task: web-app style website with original brand design.

We cooperate with Balletistan project from beginning. So basically we created everything. From logotype and branding style to web site and all multimedia content on it. But let's dive deeply in to the web development.

Firstly we decide to make different design for all page categories. Pages with broadcasts and videos, blog, gallery and private ballet training online school.

Secondary we define all functionality components that website needs. Such as LightGallery, Video.js player, blog and eCommerce solution. Thirdly we compile all graphic elements that we produce before and crate visualisation of designs having functionality and branding on mind.

Only after conception approving by the client we start our development.

WordPress software with WooCommerce plugin completely cover all tasks for content and services administration. Foundation front-end framework used for responsive design layout. Fondy payment service take care about international tickets sale for customers. Later after publishing of all content we provide SEO optimisation for all images and pages. Overall we support web till now.



WebDev, Graphics design, UI/UX

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