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World Dance Day 2020

Ballet performance

World Dance Day 2020 Balletistan Streaming Marathon

Target audience - Ballet students and professional dancers, classical art and culture lovers.

Technical task - 8 hours marathon of live streaming with interviews and master classes through international video calls.

Special live stream event with exclusive masterclasses from international ballet stars.

Anna Muromtseva, Olesia Shaytanova, Kateryna Shalkina, Oscar Chacon, Viktor Ishchuk, Nikita Sukhorukov.

Interviews with the founder of Kerubin Concert, ballet impresario Erick Zedan and cultural economy and policy expert, Funda Lena Ph.D

In this case we manage video calls from different countries. For instance impresario of Balletistan Dr. Sinan Ertemel based in Istanbul, Turkey. Then Ukrainian team prepared ballet stage for broadcasting in Bravo Theatre Kyiv, Ukraine. We also talked with the guests from Salvador, Switzerland, Slovakia and Lithuania. One of the most difficult task in this project is coordination with guests in deferent time zones while 8 hours live stream. In this reason we use StreamYard web service for all international connections and broadcasting.

The idea to make streaming marathon on World Dance Day 2020 belongs to our reaction on COVID-19 pandemic. Video calls was only way to cooperate in lockdown. After all we repeated the same event next year.



Livestream, Ballet

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