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Web Development

Full-stack web development for, catalogue of rapid-tests.

Target audience: wholesale clients - personal of drugstores or laboratories.

Technical task: web-app style catalogue with pre-order functionality based on cloud service.

After successful cooperation on previous projects European office of XEMA LLC decide to trust us to develop their main website. Then we decided to use DigitalOcean services to host website for data security and quick download experience for users. Also for website development we use WordPress software with WooCommerce and Yoast plugins and Foundation front-end framework. Certainly we provide complete consulting service for client about domain name hosting, software and plugins, cloud services and baying over corporative credit cards. As well as confirmation on all production stages with client managers.

Web design for pages based on corporate colours and following light design from product boxes.

Special form for client customers that allow to pre-order products after adding them to bin.

SEO optimisation for all images and pages of rapid-test catalog.

Support for product including monthly data-base backup, software and plugins update, video calls for client managers and admins.

Full-stack web development with responsive design for any platform or browser for it's a good example of our services for complete solution for BTB companies and their clients.

Xema Finland


WebDev, Graphics design, UI/UX

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